Monday, September 8, 2008
Planning to get a contact lense? Read this, it might help. They usually have the purpose as conventional glasses, but are lightweight and invisible when immersed in cleaning and storage solutions.
There are basically three type of lenses catagorised under the contact lenses:
1. Hard lenses which are rarely used in Brunei.
2.Soft lenses which are soft lenses made up of gel-like contained in plastics.
3. GP lenses which are waterless plastic lenses and are recommended for people suffering from presbyopia.
A daily wear type of contact lense must be removed every night before bed while a contact lense with extended wear could be worn while you're asleep and could last for maximum seven consecutive days.
There are at least four types of lense disposal times. The first one is daily disposable, the one you must replace everyday. Dispsable (daytime), which could be replaced every two weeks. Disposable (used overnight), to be replaced every one week. Lastly, the continuous wear one which could be replaced only after one month. However, a planned replacement could be replaced on a monthly basis or anytime according to the user's desire.